Dearest Tragedy,
It's hard to say everything I'm feeling and thinking right now my mind is still racing as I type as fast as my fingers will let me. There's a hole inside me for some reason I can't explain maybe its spiritual or whatever, but I'm hurting. I want to start memories with someone and I want to be in LOVE that special kinda love. Where you fight for it, or the world stops every time you see them, or everything they say you hold on to it. Most say I'm looking to hard, some say I set my own bar too high, but what do I say...that question I truly can't answer. I sit here holding back tears and I can't really explain why. It's like I can't breathe, I've looked for a new job and I got one, but now its like nothings changed still the same old things repeating itself. So I applied to another that for some reason I really hope they contact me, but I really doubt if they do. All I can say is a full on mid-life crisis at the age of twenty-nine. I need to find me first and that is a challenge in itself, who know what I can achieve until I can listen to myself for once.
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